Pediatric Dental Trauma

Smiling young girl riding a bike with a pink helmet on

My Town's Little Dentist treats pediatric dental trauma in Levittown, NY. Call 516-226-7337 to make an appointment.

Pediatric dental trauma affects an estimated 25 percent of school children at some point, and 33 percent of people before their 19th birthday. Fortunately, our highly skilled team is ready to meet any pediatric dental challenge.  Our specialists have extra training to handle pediatric traumas.

We always make our best effort to treat emergencies the same day and will see your child as quickly as possible. After hours, please call our office and speak to the on-call doctor for further instructions. If the emergency is serious or life-threatening, call 911 or head straight to the closest emergency room.  In our office, you always get a doctor, not an answering service.

Types of Dental Trauma

There are many different types of dental trauma. Some of the most commonly seen include:

  • Fractured Tooth
  • Knocked Out Tooth
  • Knocked Loose Tooth
  • Tooth Intrusion into Socket
  • Soft Tissue Laceration
  • Damage to Bone Structures

Risk Factors for Pediatric Dental Trauma

Although many cases of pediatric dental trauma are due to accidents or bad luck, certain factors do increase the potential risks. These include:

Age: Small children are more prone to falls, which could damage teeth or oral structures.

Lip or Tongue Piercings: However, there are steps your child can take to minimize the risks. Ask your dentist for more information.

Malocclusion: Teeth that are improperly aligned, especially if they protrude, are more prone to trauma.

Contact Sports: The single biggest risk factor for pediatric dental trauma is participation in contact sports. Using a properly fitted mouthguard can dramatically lower the risk, though it will not entirely remove the risk. Ask our office about the benefits of custom mouthguards, especially if your child wears braces.

Immediate Care

When dental trauma occurs, particularly if a tooth is knocked out, every minute matters. Only if the tooth is visibly dirty, rinse off the tooth and submerge it in a glass of milk, and then call the dentist immediately. Never re-implant a baby tooth.

If your child is bleeding, apply direct pressure with a clean cloth or gauze pad.

Dental trauma can be extremely frightening for both you and your child. Ask your dentist for ways to minimize your child’s risks of experiencing trauma, but if it happens, the most important first step is not to panic. Most cases of dental trauma are successfully resolved. Take a deep breath, assess the situation, and call your dentist. Your child will take her cues from you, and it is far better to treat a calm child.

If you are in the Levittown area and your child experiences dental trauma, we invite you to call our office at 516-226-7337 for immediate assistance.